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Canidia, or the Witches

A Rhapsody. In Five Parts

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The last and most Bloody Act,
I come now to Transact:
That is, to condemn the Fact,
A Treasons National Compact,
I'le prove this Rebellious Draught,
To be more horrid than Witchcraft,
Odi Fanaticorum Opinionem,
Qui colunt Armatam Religionem.
'Tis beyond the mischief of Fates,
For Dunghil Slaves to contest with Potentates.
Tho I be a Mistress of all Revels,
Yet I never led the Dance to Rebels.
Oh Horrid! for the King's Protection,
To take up Arms against Him was a Damn'd Projection.
His Power against his Person to use,
What call you this, but a Monstrous Abuse?
You may remember very well,
There was never any Rebellion in Hell,
'Tis beyond any Infernal Spell.
Eastern Subjects their Kings Adore,
Europe is turn'd a Rebellious Whore.
For murdering Kings, you Rebellious Slaves,
I'le be the Sexton to dig all your Graves.
Oh, you kill'd a King, I remember,
The next Month after December.
Villains you are upon Everlasting Record,
No Princes for ever will take your Word,
Nor suffer you to take up the Sword.


Peace, Truth, and Plenty will never stay,
If you once with the Militia run away,
As you did that Fatal Day.
Traytors that brake all just Oaths or'e and o're,
Your'e all Rotten at the Core,
The Devil will never trust you more.
I'le sooner trust the Devil or the Turk,
For they ne're did such Black Deeds work,
Radamanthus give 'um the Jerk.
Minos hang 'um up all by the Chin,
For basely Betraying and Selling their King.
Slash Æacus lustily, and all the Furies,
For the Ignoramus Juries.
For all the Loyal Blood they have spilt,
Run your Sword in their Guts up to the Hilt.
Especially because the Murderers Guilt,
Was cover'd with a Golden Quilt.
Ne're was such a Rebellious Crew,
Of such a Sanctified Hue,
To all Vows and Oaths never true.
I don't like your Godly Painting,
Nor your Sacrilegious Sainting.
Kings, Priests, and Royal Branches,
Cut down by your Swords and Lances.
The worst of Murderers that ever spoke,
Were they that hew'd down the Royal Oak.
Ne're shew your Faces above Ground more,
Hell dares trust you, no farther than the Door.
Now Rail at Witches, who'l believe you?
Had you more Kings to kill, 'twou'd never grieve you.


Your Rebellious Pates were surrounded,
With Crowns and Mitres, by you confounded.
Yet you in Villanies were so Fool and Knave Hearty,
As to call your selves the Godly Party.
I could damn you my self, with a very good Will,
For all the Innocent Blood you did spill.
Especially of Kings and Men the Best,
You hatcht those Eggs in Hell's Nest.
I conjure you to Answer at Pluto's Bar,
For Twenty years Unnatural War,
Which made Three Kingdoms stand a Jar.
Loath'd by all People from far and near,
While you Revel'd and made good Cheer.
And put all the World in fear,
Since you have paid for't dear.
A Curse is entail'd upon you all,
In Beelzebub's Judgment Hall;
The like was never since the Fall.
O sweet Princes, never more Trust
Those Rebels and Murd'rers, that call themselves Just.
Vizard, Hooded Saints, It is my Task,
To throw off your deceitful Mask.
Hell never made the like Uproar,
As you did upon Heavens Score.
You out-did all the Fiends of Hell,
No Histories such Tragedies can parallel.
Eighty Eight, and the Powder Treasons,
Of White Devils had not so many Legions,
Nor gave so many Sanctified Reasons.


Therefore the Devil his Suit Commences,
To such black Deeds, for making such fair Pretences.
Who then can trust you, Live or Dead,
That in such bloody Principles are Bred?
Day and Night I'le haunt your Ghosts,
Hang ye up upon Tainters and Posts.
In Hell your Carkasses shall rost and fry,
Wish for Death, but never dye,
The Devil tells you the Reason why;
Because you made him a glorious King,
For this Cheat the Worm shall ever sting.
O thou Politick Mazarine,
They say, this was a Plot of Thine.
But I say, 'twas the Rebels own Contrivance,
Not without Mazarine's Connivance,
So two Mastive Dogs fight,
With hateful Heart, and hurtful Will,
Intending each other to kill.
An Enemy to both stands by, and sets them on,
Glad if both were destroy'd and gone.
Thus you gave too much occasion,
For a Common Foes Invasion.
Look to't Brave and Loyal Men,
Never to be Trepand agen.
Twice in an Age! for shame be Wise,
Hatch not the Egs of a Cockatrice.
I declare boldly against that black Deed,
I wish there were no more of your Cursed Breed.
Tho of Heaven I hope for no speed,
Yet this makes my Heart bleed.


So yet, never did Yours,
For resisting the Higher Powers.
I understand far better Things,
No Subjects have Right to Judge Kings.
Leave 'um to a Higher Throne,
GOD is the Judge of Kings alone.
From henceforth, Rebels, I bid you be gone,
Your Companions, I'le be none.
We both in our Ways shall be Crost,
And both to Hell's Dungeon must be Tost.
I have protested against your Generation,
But you shall have the greatest Condemnation.
For my part, I'le keep my Station,
Leave all, but my own Abomination,
And so I have finisht my Execration.