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Bion. Moschvs. Kisses, by Secundus. Cvpid crvcified, by Ausonius. Venvs vigils, Incerto Authore [by Thomas Stanley]

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[Not alwayes give a melting Kiss]

Not alwayes give a melting Kiss,
And Smiles with pleasing Whispers joyn'd;
Nor alwayes extasi'd with Bliss
About my Neck thy fair Arms wind.
The wary Lover learns by measure
To circumscribe his greatest joy;
Lest, what well-husbanded yeilds pleasure,
Might by the Repetition cloy.
When thrice three Kisses I require,
Give me but two, withhold the other;


Such as cold Virgins to their Sire,
Or chaste Diana gives her Brother.
Then wantonly snatch back thy Lip,
And smoothly, as sly Fishes glide
Through Water giving me the slip,
Thy self in some dark Corner hide.
I'le follow Thee with eager haste
And having caught (as Hawks their Pray)
In my victorious Arm held fast
Panting for Breath, bear thee away.
Then thy soft Arms about me twin'd
Thou shalt use all thy skill to please me,
And offer all that was behind,
The poor Seven Kisses, to appease me.
How much mistaken wilt thou be!
For seven times seven shalt thou pay,
Whilst in my Arms I fetter Thee
Lest thou once more should'st get away.
'Till I at last have made thee swear
By all thy Beauty and my Love,
That thou again the same severe
Revenge for the same Crime would'st prove.