University of Virginia Library

Bene dicitur in Actibus Apostolorum: Fide purificans co[r]da eorum.

Thre offringes wel I fynde
for Crist and of hym made þer wer,
as I schal whil byn in mynde,
Apertely nowe reherce home her.

Prima oblacio de ipso a parentibus.

the fursthe was of hym-selfe iwysse
when he was offert tempul to,
that signe of alle mekenesse ys,
Ensaumpel vs so for to do.
Syn he þat lorde was of þo lawe,
wold bowe hym so mekele hit to fulfille,
me thinke a mon schulde haue ful grete awe
other to worch þen was his wille.

Secunda pro ipso de auibus.

the secounde offring for him was
of his frindes the tempel to,
of briddes, as book mynd mas,
as Moyses lawe wold þay schuld do.
Þat tokenet pouert witerly,
for pore offring þer chese he
and laft lomber, as reide I,
þat riche men vset of grete degre.


Terciam fecit ipse in cruce pro omnibus.

the thridde offring was his body,
when he deghet on rode tre
for to bring vs of al nye
and make tho þat wer thralles fre.
and in that offringe trwly
schowde was verray charite
and sayde loue al-so sicurly,
more might he not do for þe.