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A Taylors Bill, with few or no Items: by or for John Taylor.

Now in the seventy fourth yeare of mine Age,
I take an English and Welsh Pilgrimage:
From London first I bend my course to Chester,
And humbly I to all men am Requester;
That when I have past over Hills and Dales,
And compast with my Travels famous Wales,
That when to you that I a Book do give,
Relating how I did subsist and live,
With all my Passages both here and there,
And of my Entertainment every where.
Write but your Names and Dwellings in this Bill,
I'le finde you, for the Book give what you will.
Twelve Voyages and Journies I have past,
And now my Age sayes this may be my last.
My Travels Story shall most pleasant be
To you that read, though painfull unto me.