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The liquid Pearl in Springs,
The useful and the precious Things,
Are in a moment known:
Their very Glory does reveal their Worth;
(And that doth set their Glory forth.)
As soon as I was born they all were shewn.
Tru living Wealth did flow
In Crystal-Streams below
My feet; and trilling down
In tru, substantial and immaculat Pleasure,
(A precious and diffusiv Treasure,)
At once my Body fed, and Soul did crown.
I was as high and great
As Kings are in their Seat:
All other Things were mine;
The World my House, the Creatures were my Goods;
Fields, Mountains, Vallies, Woods,
Men and their Arts, to make me Rich combine.
Great, fair, and valuable,
Various and innumerable,
Most useful and divine,
(Such as to be my Treasures fittest were,)
The Sacred Objects did appear,
All full of Worth, as well as Mine.


New all! New polisht Joys;
Tho now by other Toys
Eclypst: New all, and mine.
This Sacred Truth more welcom seem'd to me,
Becaus the Best of Things I see
Were mine, which shew'd my State to be divine.
Nor did the Angels Faces,
The Glories and the Graces,
The Beauty, Peace, and Joy
Of Hev'n its self, more Sweetness yield to me.
Till cursed Sin did all destroy,
These were the Off-spring of the Deity.