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The canticles or Balades of Salomon

phraselyke declared in Englysh Metres, by William Baldwin

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lxx. Christe to his Spouse.

lxx. Christe to his Spouse.

The Argument.

Whan Christe hath styrred vp his Churche to yelde hym thankes for his beneficiall diligence toward her, he stirreth her vp to preach, that his felowes, whiche are false christians, maye heare her true preaching, that beyng confounded therwith, they may cōuert and becum true christians in dede, syngyng to her as foloweth.

Thou my spouse that doest excell
In fayth all folke, and doest now dwell
In scripture gardeyns whiche do smell
Moste strong in sent:
Lyke to a trumpe exalt thy voyce,
With preachyng truth make suche a noyse,
That I may hear it, and reioyce,
That I thee sent.
Preache out my wurde so loude and hye,
That they whiche of my companye
Doe boast themselues, but yet they lye,
And loth my name:
Maye hear thy voyce, and know how ferre
They are from me, and how they erre
From truth: to whiche thou shalte preferre
Them, by the same.
That it maye cum to passe at length,
That all men doubtyng in theyr strength
Maye to my mercy them submit:
And so be fit,
To be engraft in thee my stocke,
That all maye be one faythfull flocke,
With shepherdes therof other none,
But only one.