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Ane Co[m]pendious [buik] of godlie Psalmes and spirit[uall Sangis]

collectit furthe of sindrie pa[rtis of the] Scripture, with diueris utheris [balla]tis changeit out of prophaine [sangis] in godlie sangis, for [avodying of] sin and harlatrie. With [aug]mentation of sindrie [gude] and godlie Ballattis not contenit in the first editioun [by John Wedderburn]

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[The Lord sayis I will schaw]

[The Lord sayis I will schaw]

The Lord sayis I will schaw,
My will and eik my mynde,


Mark weill my Scripture and my Law
Quhairin that thow sall find.
That with my faith I mak ane vow
And knittis it with ane knot:
The treuth is sa, I lufe the now
Be war I hait the not.
It was my Fatheris will
That I suld tak the cure,
For to cum downe in eirth the till,
And tak thy vyle nature.
To cleith my precious body pure,
Sa clene from sin and spot,
For lufe of the I mak the sure
Be war I hait the not.
I fand the loist from blis
Throw Adamis sin and pleid:
And quha sa euer wrocht the mis
Was nane culd find remeid
Quhill I my self did chose the deid
To saue the from the pot,
I lufe the weill serue me in dreid
Be war I hait the not.
For all the greuous sorrowis soir,
I sufferit and paine,
To my rewaird I ask no moir.
Bot thy trew lufe againe
I am ane husband man but weir
Quhilk labouris for my lot,
I lufe the weill I mak the sure,
Be war I hait the not.


My Ȝock is wounder sweit,
And als my burding licht.
All that be with my grace repleit:
Sall go the way full richt.
I am the rute of all mercy,
Quhilk neuer sall faid nor rot:
Sen nane the luiffit sa weill as I,
Be war I hait the not.
All ȝe that sair dois thrist,
Throuch brukilnes of the flesche{,}
Cum vnto me, quhen that ȝe list,
I sall ȝour saulis refresche.
Call vpon me and I sall heir,
And saif the from the schot,
I lufe the weill I coft the deir,
Be war I hait the not.
Attend and tak gude keip,
To thame that cumis to the,
In to the habite of ane scheip.
With subtell Sermonis slie.
For doutles than war inwartlie,
Fals wolfis vnder cot,
Renunce thair Lawis and cum to me,
Trewlie I hait the not.
Na man sall cum to me,
Except my Father him draw.
Nor se my Father in heuin sa hie,
Bot be me and my Law.
Quhairfoir o man prent in thy mynde,
Thir wordis and this knot,


And wirk as my word dois the bind,
Be war I hait the not.