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The Poems of Alexander Montgomerie

Edited by James Cranstoun

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Nane lovis bot fools vnolvd agane,
Quha tyns thair tyme and comis no speid.
Mak this a maxime to remane,
That Love beirs nane bot fools at feid;


And they get ay a good goosheid
In recompense of all thair pane.
So of necessitie mon succeid,
Nane lovis bot fools, vnlovd agane.
Ȝe wot a wyse man will be war,
And will not ventur but advyse.
Greit fuills, for me, I think they ar,
That seeks warme water vnder yce.
Ȝit some mair wilfull ar nor wyse,
That for thair lovis saik wold be slane.
Buy on repentance of that pryce:
Nane lovis bot fools, vnlovd agane.
Thoght some we sie, in evry age,
Lyk glaikit fools, gang gooked gaits,
Quhair reson gets no place for rage,
They love best them vhilk thame bot haits,
Syne of thair folies wyts the Faits,
As Destinie did thame disdane;
Quhilks are bot cappit vane conceats:
Nane loves bot fools, vnlovd agane.
Some by ane proverbe fane wald prove,
Quha skantly nevir sau the scuills,
That love with resone is no love,
Nor constance, vhare occasion cools.
Thair they confes, lyk frantick fools,
That wilfully thay will be vane.
But resone what ar men bot mulis?
Nane lovis bot fools, vnlovd agane.
They speik not leirnd-lyk, at the leist,
That rage, in steid of reson, ruisis:
Vhat better ar they nor a beist,
Fra tym that reson thame refuisis?


Some beistlily thamselfis abusis,
As constancie did them constrane;
Quhilks ar bot ignorant excusis:
Nane lovis bot fools, vnlovd agane.
For ding a dog, and he will byte,
And fan on him vha givis him fude;
And can as caus requyrs acquyt,
As ill with ill, and good with good.
Than love nane bot vhare thou art lude,
And vhar thou finds tham faynd refrane;
Tak this my counsell: I conclude,
Nane lovis bot fools, vnlovd agane.