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The Shorter Poems of Ralph Knevet

A Critical Edition by Amy M. Charles

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SCEN. 4.

Rhodon, Acanthus, Anthophotus, Panace.
This strange imposture hath amaz'd me so,
That I am almost to a statue strucke,
Not knowing what to speake, or what to thinke.

Assure your selfe it was a strange Collusion:
For this, on my fidelity, beleeve,
That 'twas not Iris whom you met last night.

Then 'twas some hellish hag, that, in her shape,
Gave me the venemous confection
Which had undone me quite, if thou in time
Had'st not apply'd thy precious antidote.
But yet, me thinkes, that heaven should not permit
The subt'lest hellish power to counterfeit
The feature of so beautifull an angell.

Doubtlesse it was the false Ponerias plot,
Whom Martagon hath lately entertaind,
With her companion, old Agnostus;
For, know the malice of your foes is such,
That if by open force they can't destroy you,
By hidden plots they'll seeke your overthrow.

Then I must pardon crave of gentle Iris,
To whom I did ascribe this treacherous fact.

If she were guilty of so blacke a deed
These hands should chaine her to a fatall stake,
And sacrifice her Corps in hideous flames,


Unto the awfull goddesse of revenge;
(Which done) I'de throw her hatefull ashes up
Against the furious gusts of boistrous winds,
That being so disperst, there might remaine
Not the least relique of so vile a wretch.

My Iris is as cleare as innocency it selfe;
And since my treacherous foes have gone about,
By wicked flights, to wrong so sweet a saint,
And bring me also to a shamefull end,
I here enjoyne ye (honourable friends)
Upon my sword to take a solemne oath,
He drawes his sword, they lay their hands upon it, and kisse it.
Ne're to lay downe your just and lawfull armes,
Untill we be avenged to the full,
For such unkindly and disloyall wrongs:
True honour, that with dearest bloud is sought,
Is like a precious gemme that's cheaply bought.

Ill is a life bestow'd upon that wight
That dares not loose it to maintaine the right:
Him I account a base inglorious sot,
That dares not honor pull from dangers throat.
