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The Muses Sacrifice

[by John Davies]

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The Foole makes a mocke of Sinne.
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The Foole makes a mocke of Sinne.

Pro. 14.9.
Who laughes at Sin; for Sin can hardly weepe:
who jests thereat, is mad, or misbeleeues:
Then, sith the World still laughes at Debt so deepe,
it showes it madly sinnes; and neuer grieues.
Sinne is a Stinger; and who feeles it not
is mortifide, not to, but in fowle Sinnes:
Then, doth the World, in Sinne, but stincke and rot;
for, it feeles not when Sinne ends, or beginnes.
If it doe stincke, what Nose can it abide?
if it doe rot, what Eye, or Taste, or Touch
Can be content by them it should be tride?
Then onely Hearing heares it without grutch:
And that's because the Dead, in silence, cry
Cave to those, that, liuing, are to dye:
Then they that loue it, in such lothsome plight,
Haue neither Sense, nor Reason, Flesh, nor Spright.