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[If, by an absence of unnumbered years]


[If, by an absence of unnumbered years]

If, by an absence of unnumbered years,
I could return, and find thy feelings changed;
If, by the shedding of uncounted tears,
I could wash out what early sorrow stained;
If by a coldness I could wake thy fears,
And make thee chary of what love remained;
Nay, if by hollow pride, and empty sneers—
Galling to thee, though but by cunning feigned—
I could once more upon thy gentle breast
Lay my poor head, with all its aching thought,
And rock my troubled fancies into rest,
Or soothe the sorrows which my cruelty wrought;
I would endure the grief, or act the jest,—
Yea, double both, yet hold the price as naught.