University of Virginia Library


TOO many people? Join ZPG,
meeting Wed., Nov. 11, 8:00 PM
National Band Building - 2nd floor.

GUIDES - Impt. meeting at 8:00 in
the Rotunda. Ex. Board meets at

UVA Law wives holding their
Annual Bridge Benefit at 8:00 PM
in the Newcomb Hall Ballroom.
Tickets are $1.25 and many be
purchased at Mincer's or Newcomb
Hall. Benefit for charity.

ACADEMIC life discussion group
of the University Forum will meet
at 4:00 PM in the Visitors Lounge.

Meeting of the Union of University
Students, Nov. 11, 8:00 PM, 301
Wilson Hall, All Invited.

Society of Architectural Historians
Annapolis field trip, Sat. Nov. 14,
$3.50 plus transportation. Last day
to sign up is Wed., Nov. 11,
A-School Library Desk.

P-K German members come to
room 4-A in Newcomb Hall from
7:30-9:00 to pick up concert
tickets. Cards will not be honored
at the door.

Graduate Soccer: 4:00 PM, Wed.

SQUASH players new regular
courts now playing. Call Albemarle
Racquet club for information.

National Bank and Trust - 3rd floor
- Newcomb Hall is now open till
3:00 PM Mon.-Fri. for you