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IANUARY Ye: 12th: 1619
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IANUARY Ye: 12th: 1619


Sr Edwin Sandys Knt Thr̃er. 
Sr Tho: Wroth.  mr Richard Tomlynℯ.  mr Bamforde. 
Sr Io: Wolstenholme.  mr Tho: Keightley.  mr Caninge. 
Sr Nath: Riche.  mr Harbert.  mr Briggs. 
Sr Henry Iones.  mr Nicho: Ferrar.  mr Woodall. 
mr Robt. Offley.  mr Bearblock.  mr Couell. 
mr Iohn: Ferrar Dept mr Caswell.  mr George Smith. 
mr Thomas Gibbes.  mr Meuerell.  mr Arrundle. 
mr Swinhow.  mr Eli: Robertℯ 
mr Tho: Mellinge. 

This Courte was given intelligence by mr Thr̃er that hee had acquainted
the Lords Comissioners for the Treasury as hee and some others ∥were∥
requested touchinge the determinac̃on of that his Maty: recommended
vnto them expressed att large in the Court goinge before wch was yt
notwithstanding they altered the forme of his Mats: demaund yett they
agreed in ye substance of giveinge xijd a pound, vizd 3d Custome accord-
inge to ther Pattent and nine pence more for five years in Considerac̃on
of the displantinge of English Tobacco. Yett the Lords tooke itt [63]
acceptably that in substance they had agreed and for matter of forme
itt should be accomodated by beinge passed ouer on both sides:

Mr. Thr̃ers report
touching ye deter-
minac̃on of that
his Maty Comend-
ed vnto thẽ.
The Acte to be en-
tred in ye LLs:
Comissioners Re-

Butt for as much as divers of the Courte conceiveth that vnless this
offer and the true meaninge therof be entred as an Act in the LL͠s:
Comissioners Records itt wilbe very difficult att the expirac̃on of five
yeares to wthdraw itt butt that continuinge so longe itt wilbe expected
forever as a duty due from the Company to his Maty: ffor prevent-
inge of wch so neere as may be the Courte hath now appoynted a
Comittee to repare to the Clark of the Counsell, and to take care that
this bargaine be Recorded, and to p̳cure a Coppy therof to be entred
amongst the rest of the Companies orders: And because the said
Clarke of the Councell may better vnderstand the Companies true


meaninge they have required their Secretary to Coppy outt their last
Courte that the said Comittee may deliver itt vnto him. The Comit-
tees are Sr Iohn Dauers, Sr Nathaniell Rich, Mr Thomas Keightley,
and Mr Berblock, who have promised to goe aboute itt vppon ffryday
Morninge next att eight of ye Clocke.
A Comittee to re-
pare to ye Clerk of
ye Counsell to take
care yt ye bargaine
be entred & to pro-
cure a Coppie ther-
of to be entred
amongst ye Compa:
The Secretary to
draw a Coppy of
ye last Courte

And wheras some desyred that in handlinge of this buisines they
would have cleered the garblinge of their Tobacco, wch is expected
shortly to be imposed vppon them by the Pattentees thereof: Itt was
answered that itt was not a thinge p̱tinent to this buisines, as allso that
in the last Court itt was spoken of butt not concluded as thinkinge itt
vnseasonable to goe aboute preventinge of that wch as yett was not
demaunded, and in right could not be imposed on the Company whose
goods are free from all imposic̃ons and Taxes.

The cleeringe of
their garblinge of
Tobacco held im-
p̱tinent to this

Mr Thr̃er and mr Deputy beinge yeasterday wth the Lo: Maior,
Reported that hee informed them, the Cittie had agreed to provide
one hundreth Children for Virginia, and to allow the Company five
pound apeec three pounds towards their passage and ffortie shillings
for Aparrell, desyringe mr Thr̃er to deliver in writinge the Condic̃ons
the Company will p̱forme wch hee hath promised to doe to morrow:
And further did demaund what land they should have in lew of
their Transportac̃on, who answered that they were not to have
any, butt after the expirac̃on of their Apprentishipp, they were
to be Teñntℯ to the Common Land, butt in regard the Cittie
beareth the halfe charge of their transportac̃on hee thought the
Court would allow them 25 Acres apeec of every each one of them,
wch for the p̢sentt his Lorp: seemed to be sattisfied therewith. [64]

Mr Thr̃er & Mr
Deputie their re-
port touchinge ye
100 Children to be
sent to Virginia

Concerninge the Magazine touchinge the poynt wheither itt should
continue or nott, after some reasons given for the maynteyninge of
itt no longer, Itt was generally agreed by the Adventurors that itt
should be dissolved, wch by erecc̃on of hands beinge putt to the ques-
tion was ratefyed, now orderinge that for the 5200: and odd pounds
worth of goods there remayninge rated as they Cost heer first penny
shall first be putt of, before any other of the same kinde wch p̱adven-
ture by pryvate men may be sent, and so much to give ye Plantac̃ons


informac̃on of by letters, as allso that if they will ioyne and take
these Magazine Goods remayninge in store, that then itt shalbe law-
full for them to have presently an absolute free Trade, wch may
seeme by this restrainte to be in p̱t debarred from them.
The Magazine dis-

And for asmuch as Sr Iohn Wolstenholme by reason of his waightie
imployments, can by no means Continue in the place of Director hee
is now freed of the same, And by the Adventurors now present
agreed that their gouerment shalbe the same, wth the Gouerment of
the Courte saveinge that in matters meerly concerninge the Magazine
none shall have voyce butt the Adventurers.

Sr Io: Wolsten-
holme freed from
ye place of Direc-

And for the Tobacco remayninge yett to be sould itt was agreed as
p̱t of the Adventurers held itt requisite that Mr Leat for the better
Sale of the other should have one third of the whole, vppon such
Condic̃ons as the rest shalbe sould, and to pay for itt att such time
and tymes as shalbe for that remayninge concluded vppon; Prouided
that itt be good & Marchauntable and for the rest beinge estimated
to be about 10000 waight itt was agreed should be devided into ffive
parts and have entrusted as well the deliuery of the ⅓ to Mr Leate as
the Sale of the rest, vnto Mr Wiseman and Mr Cranmer, for the Com-
pany and for the Adventurers, Mr George Smith, Mr Rich: Paulson,
Mr Caswell, and Mr Mellinge, wch beinge putt to the question was by
hands Confirmed.

for y Tobacco: vn-
sould mr Leate to
haue one third of
ye whole.

Mr Treasurer declared that for the expeditinge of Sr Thomas Smiths
Accompts the Auditors resolved and accordinge as they hadd prom-
ised my Lord of Southampton to sett forth an Alphabeticall publi-
cac̃on of all the Adventurors wch hee reported now they could not
p̳forme by reason mr. Markham deteyneth the Alphabett Bookes [65]
notwithstandinge hee hath often beene required to bringe them
either to the said Auditors or to the Courte and so had promised, who
beinge now present himselfe answered that the keepinge of them
could be no hinderance to their proceedings, for asmuch as they had
the originall books from whence they were extracted, wch if the Com-
pany would give him sattisfacc̃on for his extraordinary paines, hee
would forthwith deliver them: Butt beinge p̱emptorily warned by


mr Thr̃er hee tould him that his Allegac̃ons were false and frivelous,
hee promised the next day to bringe in the Companies and for sattis-
facc̃on of his paines, wch were saide by some to have beene greate, itt
was not denyed but hee deserved recompence, butt whether from the
Company, who for very small service done them had paid him liber-
ally or from Sr Thomas Smith the rectyfyinge of whose Accompt had
beene the wholl subiect of his Laboure was accordinge to the orders
of the Company to be Considered in a Quarter Courte.
Mr Thr̃er signified
yt ye Alpharbeti-
call Publicac̃on
cannot be p̱formd
because mr Mark-
ham deteyneth
the Alphabet
Mr Markham de-
maundeth sattis-
facc̃on for his
paines befor he
deliu9 ye Alphabet

Mr Mellinge desyred the allowance of a bill of Adventure dewe vnto
mr Humphrey Tompkins of xijli—xs: 00: wch hee adventured in the
five shillingℯ Lottery: wch the Court now allowed.

Mr Hum: Tomkins
bill of Aduenture
allowed of

Wheras Mrs Anthony demaundeth some Prizes dew vnto her by the
ffiue shillings Lottery the Courte have desyred mr Iohn Wroth and
mr Cranmer to ripen the buisines of the Lotteries and then present
itt to the Auditors who will take order for the payment of such pryzes
as are due.

Mrs. Antho: de-
maund for prizes
due vnto her by
ye 5 Lotte:

Mr Deputy acquainted this Courte that the Com̃ittees hadd agreed for
the transportinge of 200 Personns more wth the owners of a Ship
called the London Marchant about 300 Tunns vppon ye same condic̃ons
as they did formerly wth Captaine Tompson, namely to pay 700li before
the Ship departed and 600li vppon Certificate of the Ships aryvall in
Virginia; The Ship to be redy in Tilbury Hope the xxth day of ffeb-
ruary next to take in the Passengers: Mr Thr̃er and himselfe beinge
demaunded by the said Owners to seale the Charter p̱ty.

The Comittees
agreemt: with ye
owners of ye Lo:
Marchant for
transporting 200
persons approued

The Court approved of the bargaine and requested them to seale the
Charter party, and ordeyned that the Compa: should saue them
harmelesse. [66]

Mr Thr̃er and mr
Depu: to seale ye
Charter party