University of Virginia Library


Credit for completed courses in Library Science will be accepted toward
the B. S. degree in Education.

Library Science sB1-I: Administration of School Libraries: Both
Terms. 11:30; S. S. B. 4. Credit, 1 session-hour.

Miss Cundiff.

In this course are studied the place, function, administration and opportunity of the
library in the modern school.


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Library Science sB1-II: Library Work with Children: First Term.
12:30; S. S. B. 4. Credit, 1 session-hour.

Miss Cundiff.

This course deals with the practical aspects of library work with children, with
emphasis on methods of directing the child's general reading.

Library Science sB1-III: Methods of Teaching the Use of the Library:
Second Term. 8:30; S. S. B. 4. Credit, 1 session-hour.

Miss Cundiff.

In this course are presented plans and methods of teaching children how to use school
libraries, with special reference to the needs arising from classroom instruction.

Library Science sB2-I: Children's Literature: Second Term. 10:30;
S. S. B. 4. Credit, 1 session-hour.

Miss Savage.

This course affords a survey of the field of children's literature, with consideration
of the different age groups and reading background.

Library Science sB2-II: Book Selection: First Term. 10:30; C. H. 11.
Credit, 1 session-hour.

Miss Savage.

This course has as its aim the selection of the books best suited for school libraries.
It includes general principles of book selection; selection in specific cases; a study of the
various types of literature, with concrete and suggestive examples; and a discussion of
publishers and methods of ordering.

Library Science sB2-III: Cataloguing: Both Terms. 9:30; L. B. 3.
Credit, 1 session-hour.

Miss Dinwiddie.

This course covers the essentials of classification and cataloguing as needed for the
effectual organization of school libraries. The American Library Association Catalogue
Rules and the Dewey Decimal Classification (abridged edition) form the basis of
the work. There is instruction in the ordering and use of Library of Congress cards.
Practical work is required throughout.

Library Science sB3-I: Cataloguing—Special Problems: Second Term.
9:30; S. S. B. 4. Credit, 1 session-hour.

Miss Cundiff.

Prerequisite, Library Science sB2-III.

This course is intended to supplement sB2-III and is largely devoted to practical
work, attention being given to such special problems as the handling of serials and of
pamphlet material.

Library Science sB3-II: Reference Work and Bibliography: Both
Terms. First term, 8:30; L. B. 2; Second term, 8:30; L. B. 3. Credit, 1

First Term, Mr. Wyllie. Second Term, Miss Dinwiddie.

This course includes a study of the most important reference works useful in school
libraries. Practical problems are assigned and bibliographies are compiled in various

Library Science sB3-III: Reference Work—Special Problems: First
Term. 8:30; L. B. 3. Credit, 1 session-hour.

Miss Dinwiddie.

This course comprises discussion and practical work in special problems of reference
work, including the use of government documents.


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Library Science sB4-I: Field Work: Both Terms. (Not given in 1931.)
Credit, 1 session-hour.

This course consists of supervised practical work in all phases of school library