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All students registered in the College are required to take two years of
Physical Education, which must be completed by the end of the student's
second year. This regulation applies to those who are preparing to enter
the professional schools of Medicine, Law, Engineering, Architecture or
schools of other professions, as well as to those applying for Academic Degrees.

Students transferring from other colleges or universities must present their
credits to the Dean of the College for approval.

Required First-Year Work: Three hours per week of Floorwork for
three terms and three hours per week of Hygiene for one term.


Fall Physical Education A1: Individual Activities: A series of individual
events are practiced and tests in these events will be taken at the end of the
term. Some of the events included are rope skipping and rope climbing, bar
vault, standing broad jump, pirouette, pulley weight exercises, spring board
high jump, one lap run, floor dips, pull ups, sit ups, etc.

Assistant Professor Heidloff and Assistants.

Fall Physical Education A2: Tumbling Stunts: Fundamental tumbling
stunts include forward rolls, backward rolls, head-and-hand balance, hand balance,


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long dive, high dive, cartwheel, hand springs, neck spring, round off, forward
somersault, etc. Each event will be practiced and tests taken at the end of the

Mr. Hoskins and Assistants.

Fall Physical Education A3: Apparatus Stunts: Horizontal bar, parallel
bar and side horse will comprise the apparatus on which progressive stunts will
be practiced. Beginning with fundamental swinging and balance exercises the
work will proceed to simple combination exercises. Tests on each piece of
apparatus will be taken at the end of the term.

Associate Professor Ludwig and Assistants.


Winter Physical Education A4: Basketball: Basketball fundamentals
will be stressed for beginners. It will include shooting, passing, and elementary
team play.

Associate Professor Ludwig and Assistants.

Winter Physical Education A5: Boxing: A graded course in boxing
fundamentals is followed. Various blows are studied and developed.

Mr. Hoskins and Assistants.

Winter Physical Education A6: Tap Dancing: Progressive lessons in
the technique of fundamental steps leading on to regular routine dances.

Assistant Professor Heidloff and Assistants.


Spring Physical Education A7: Swimming: This is a required course
for all students unable to pass the swimming requirement for the first year. See
departmental bulletin for details of requirements.

Assistant Professor Heidloff and Assistants.

Spring Physical Education A8: Recreative Games: Indoor baseball,
playground baseball, volley and service ball and handball are offered in this

Associate Professor Ludwig and Assistants.

Spring Physical Education A9: Track and Field Sports: Running broad
jumps, high jumps, hundred, two-twenty and four-forty yard dashes, shot put
and pole vault are some of the events practiced.

Mr. Hoskins and Assistants.

The above courses are classed as floorwork. First-year students must select
a new course each term. Tests in all courses will be given at the end of each

Note: See Physical Education Bulletin for a detailed description of all
courses and for regulations governing the activities of the school.

Physical Education A10: Hygiene: In addition to three terms of floor-work,
one term of hygiene must be taken to complete the first-year requirement


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in Physical Education. Students will be assigned to either the first, second, or
third term for hygiene. The course consists of lectures, recitations and assigned
reading on physical functions of the body and the mechanism of body exercise.

Professor Lambeth.

Required Second-year Work: Three hours per week for three terms of
floorwork only.


Fall Physical Education B1: Outdoor Games and Field Sports.

Assistant Professor Heidloff and Assistants.

Fall Physical Education B2: Swimming: Advanced courses in swimming
and diving.

Mr. Hoskins and Assistants.

Fall and Winter Physical Education B3: Advanced Apparatus Stunts:
Exhibition work on high and low horizontal bars, parallel bars and side horse,
tumbling and one or two special events comprise the work in this course.

Associate Professor Ludwig and Assistants.


Winter Physical Education B4: Indoor Games: Basketball, handball,
boxing, wrestling, etc.

Mr. Hoskins.

Winter Physical Education B5: Tap Dancing: Advanced course in tap
dancing. Prerequisite Physical Education A6 or its equivalent.

Assistant Professor Heidloff.

Spring Physical Education B6: Recreative Sports: Specially assigned
pledge work in golf, tennis, baseball, volley ball, swimming, etc.

Assistant Professor Heidloff and Mr. Hoskins.

Physical Education: Special: For first- and second-year men with
physical defects, special work will be substituted for the regular floorwork courses.
Corrective class meets two hours per week in the gymnasium.

Professor Lambeth and Associate Professor Ludwig.

See Official Bulletin of the School of Physical Education for a detailed description
of all courses and for the rules and regulations governing the activities
of the School.

Bulletin is issued to each first- and second-year man at the time of registration.
Additional bulletins may be secured at the Gymnasium Office.