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There is a love so deep it travels far
Beyond the reach of words. E'en love-songs jar
When the great depths are stirred.
The blue vast heaven responds to God who made
Its depths profound of awful light and shade
Sometimes without one word.
When heaven is full of love, no thunders leap
Along the heights of the abysmal steep:
Nay! all is silent then.
There is a love so full of silent peace
That even solemn stately love-chants cease
Or are not heard of men.
O love, be with me in my silent hours
And gather sweeter than the old song-flowers
With sympathy that knows


That as a soul may be too glad to pray
So even thus to love there comes a day
When the gold song-gates close.
Speech is not needed when the souls are one
Nor battle-cry when all the strife is done
(Yet, ah! the strife was long).
O love, come closer than song's tenderest word,
Closer than music! When no songs are heard,
Be still the soul of song.