University of Virginia Library

In praise of a little Mole-like Scab, that like a rude Scab, chanced to take my Fancies Soueraigne by the hand.

So pure's the Fountaine of her pretious Blood,
As if is (through the Veynes that it conuay)


Meetes ought, that (like her) is not passing good,
It thrusts it out, which in the skin doth stay.
Yet, while it stayes; a Scab, O call it not,
(Sith it is but her deere Blouds cheaper part)
Nay, call it not so much as Mole, or Spot:
But, Beauties Shadow, done by Natures Art.
Or if not so (though so it seemes to Sence)
Call it Perfections BVT; wherein she shootes
Her Angers Shafts, against the Pestelence,
To pull Infection from her by the Rootes:
Or if not so, call it Dianaes STAND,
Wherein shee stood to strike the Deere (her HAND.)