University of Virginia Library


[Again, Thou Spirit of Burning come]

Again, Thou Spirit of Burning come,
Thy last great office to fulfil,
To show the hellish tyrant's doom,
The hellish tyrant's doom to seal,
To drive him from Thy sacred shrine,
And fill our souls with life Divine.
Of judgment now the world convince,
The end of Jesu's coming show,
To sentence their usurping prince,
Him and his works destroy below,
To finish, end, abolish sin,
And bring the heavenly nature in.
Who galls the nations with his yoke,
And bruises with an iron rod,
And smites with a continual stroke,
The world's fierce ruler and its God
Wilt Thou not, Lord, from earth expel,
And chase the fiend to his own hell?


Yes, Thou shalt soon pronounce his doom,
Who rules in wrath the realms below;
That Wicked One reveal, consume,
Avenge the nations of their foe,
In bright vindictive lightning shine,
And slay him with the breath Divine.