University of Virginia Library


To the noble, vertuous, and honorable Lady, the Lady Elizabeth Berkley, daughter and heire to the late George, Lord Hunsdon.

Most noble Lady, for the deere respect
Thy Vertue merits; and my darling FRIEND
Doth owe, and would haue paid thee, vvith effect,
Had FATE not crossed what hee did intend:
Or FATE, or HATE or SPIGHT, or rather all
Conspir'd (he weenes) to frustrat that intent;
Which was t'haue honor'd thee with his last Small-
Great-Labour, which to thee inscribd, he sent.
But, Enuie's VERTVES Shade: thy Vertue then
(as much as in her lay) she did obscure:
But on that Cloud in liquid-gold I'le pen
Thy praise that Clowdes nor Earth shall er'e immure.
For This, and home to right thine iniury,
I thus bequeath all to Posterity.