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All the workes of Iohn Taylor the Water-Poet

Being Sixty and three in Number. Collected into one Volume by the Author [i.e. John Taylor]: With sundry new Additions, corrected, reuised, and newly Imprinted

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1. Samuel.

The Prophet Samuel's borne and Elies Sonnes
To sinne and flat confusion headlong runnes.
The Isralites are by the Lord forsaken,
And by the Philistins the Arke is taken.
The figur'd presence of this all in All,
Doth make the Diuels inuention Dagon fall.
God takes his people to his loue againe,
The Ark's brought backe, the Philistines are slaine.
The Sonnes of Samuel wrong their Fathers trust,
By partiall Iudgements and with bribes vniust.
Saul seeking straying Asses, findes a Crowne,
And is annointed King in Raman towne.
The fell Philistians Jsr'el doth oppresse,
King Saul doth proudly gainst the Lord transgresse,
God dids kill Agag, Saul will haue him spar'd,
His will more than his Gods, he doth regard.
Goliah armed leades an hoste from Gath,
Defies the Lord of Hosts, prouokes his wrath.
Yong Dauid comes, and in his hand a sling,
And with a stone the Gyant downe doth ding.
Old Ishays Sonne before the Kings preferr'd,
And Dauid hath Sauls Daughter for reward.
Th'ingratefull King, seekes Dauids causlesse death,
True hearted Jonathan preserues his breath.
Saul leaues his God, and to a Witch doth goe,
And so himselfe, himselfe doth ouerthrow.
The Philistines his childrens bloud doe spill,
And with his Sword King Saul, King Saul did kill;


Saul leaues his God, and to a Witch doth goe,
And so himselfe, himselfe doth ouerthrow.
The Philistines his childrens bloud did spill,
And with his Sword King Saul King Saul did kill.