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An Heroic Poem, in Twenty-Four Books. By Joseph Cottle: 4th ed.

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Cried Sigbert, ‘Oh my king! thou must not die.
‘I had almost with impious zeal declared
‘Thou shalt not die! Thou art our earthly trust!—
‘Might I, unblam'd, disturb the sanctity
‘Of thy repose, and ask one question more,—
‘What of our gracious queen?’ At Sigbert's words,
Alfred his forehead clasp'd, a sudden chill
Rush'd thro' his frame, when, feebly he replied,
‘Name it no more! I must not answer thee!
‘Angels of God, defend her! me preserve,
‘Father Almighty!—Sigbert! I am now
‘Bound to the castle, and these moments few
‘Ill can I spare. Depart thou on thy way!’
When Sigbert cried, ‘Farewell!’ and both retired.