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The Sanctuary

A Companion in Verse for the English Prayer Book. By Robert Montgomery

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Second Sunday after the Epiphany.

“Continuing instant in prayer.” —Epistle for the Day.

“When ye pray, say, Our Father, &c.” —Luke xi. 2.

With bended knee and bowing head
As oft The Prayer of prayers is said,
Till parch'd and panting spirits feel
The mystic Heaven-dews o'er them steal,
Time and eternity can meet
With Man, before the Mercy-seat;
And inward vision learn to view
That sacramental oneness true,
Which binds the Saviour and the soul
In Unity of love's control.
Adore we then, Incarnate God!
Who, when our world of graves He trod
And scatter'd blessings bright and fast
As beams from out the sun are cast,
And bore for Sin that awful curse
Which else had sunk the Universe!—
Before He drank His cup of Woe
And drain'd it in death's overflow,
Inspired us, as the Truth and Way
Both how to live, and how to pray!
All graces, which our being calm;
All comforts, breathing inward balm;
All hopes, and consolations deep
In homes that wail, or hearts that weep,
The Saviour-God doth thus declare
Are promised by this boundless Prayer:—
Whenever said, or sigh'd, or wept,
Unflinching watch hath Jesu kept
O'er each by whom His words are given
Back to Himself, Who hears in Heaven.
A miracle of Speech thou art!
For, in Thee beats Emanuel's heart.
Thy syllables like pulses seem
To throb with all a Saint can dream


Of tenderness, divine and deep
Inspiring Him, Who lived to weep;
And in Thy concentrated truth
Can hoary Age and lisping Youth
Find echoed there Devotion's whole,
When most it breathes, and burns with soul!

John xviii. 11.

Is. xliii.