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Songs, comic and satyrical

By George Alexander Stevens. A new edition, Corrected

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Tune,—No more let us trouble our heads 'bout the State.

It was as one morning on Ida Jove shone,
All frantic the Queen of Love flew in,
Her arms she expanded, embracing his throne,
Saying, Sire, oh save me from ruin!


For Justice Dione to Jupiter prays,
They abandon my Temples and Shrine, Sir,
That sot and his sots, have extinguish'd my blaze,
And drown'd Beauty's Altars in wine, Sir.
By Styx, but 'tis false, jolly Bacchus reply'd;
Such slander I'll never endure, Ma'am:
Love's pains to asswage men that many things try'd,
In me only met with a cure, Ma'am.
Your ignorant urchin, your booby, is blind,
And scatters his arrows at random;
The Heart they mislead, and they madden the Mind;
'Tis Wine which alone can withstand 'em.
Where is it? th'Olympical Grand called out,
Young Semele bumper'd Champaign, Sir,
Full nimbly the Genius brush'd it about,—
Quoth Monarchy, I'll drink again, Sir.
So laying his lightning's artillery down,
His tresses imperially shaking,
To Venus put on a majestical frown,
Saying, Certainly you are mistaken.
Mistaken, Papa?—Miss pray hold your tongue,
You'd better.—Jove thunder'd to Venus,
'Pon 'Onner (she pertly reply'd) you are wrong,
Celestials be judges between us.
Go Mercury, summon the States of the Sky.
Thus order'd Lord Chancellor Jove, Sir,
At Ida's Exchequer this suit they shall try,
Decreeing for Wine or for Love, Sir.
Their Worships went first on the Cyprian cause,
Unarray'd, Beauty figur'd before 'em;
What licking of lips, what hums, and what hahs!
What peeping there was 'mong the quorum!
The Patron of Vines saw 'twould go for the wench,
Unless that a dust he could kick up,
Tipp'd Hermes the wink, and they bumper'd the bench
'Till the court only chorus'd a hickup.


With eye-lids half-clos'd, one attempted at speech,
But wind over-charg'd his expression.
My opin—nin—nin—nin—but bump on his breech
He squatted, and snor'd out the session.
Apollo, was chairman, in full buckl'd wig,
For that day, being Juno's physician,
Smelt cane, strok'd his chin, us'd hard words, and look'd big,
As became his Right Worship's condition.
The statutes, quoth he, the statutes at large,
Aye and small too, declare coram nob.—
But head was too heavy to hold out the charge,
It dropp'd, and down fell his full bob:
An emblem of what often happens below,
Stupidity office disgraces;
For Folly has friends, and too many we know—
And we know the wise folks too want places.
Now Bacchus and Venus agreed 'twixt themselves
Altercation hereafter to smother;
At Dulness to laugh, though 'mong dignify'd elves,
And friendly assist one another.
But now mind the moral: 'Tis clever to think,
And think too about something clever;—
Since Wine makes us Love, and since Love makes us drink,
Here's Drinking and Loving for ever.