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From Pindus Top, where rules the God of Day,
The Bard invokes the Lay;
Aonian Sisters join the Band,
With all your dulcet Songs attend.
And thou Soul-soothing Melody inspire,
The martial Trumpet's hollow Throat;
The deep-mouth'd Organ's solemn Note;
The slow majestic Swell,
The Power of Harmony shall tell,
And the loud Chorus fill the sacred Choir.


Musick charms the Lover's Breast;
Musick lulls our Cares to Rest;
Now she's sweetly gay and jolly;
Now she sinks in Melancholy.



Harmonious Orpheus strikes his Shell,
Oh! listen to the trembling Note;
See, see! he moves the King of Hell,
And hoary Charon quits his Boat.


The naked Souls that hover round,
In Pleasure lose their Pain;
Such is the mighty Power of Sound,
Prometheus drops his Chain.


The Lion's Fury now he tames,
And now again his Rage inflames;
Huge Rocks, un-hing'd, around him stood,
And Trees, un-rooted, quit the Wood;
Obedient Rivers as they glide,
His wond'rous Harmony obey'd;
Now gently flow'd with easy Tide,
Or furious trembled in a loud Cascade;



Creation listens all around,
Such is the mighty Power of Sound.


Amphion next began to play,
And gently stole the Heart away
Charming Pleasure,
Sweetest Measure;
Love alarming
Souls disarming,
Gently stole the Heart away.


The Coward Chiefs who sunk with Fear,
To find the hostile Troops were near;
The sprightly Trumpet's Sound inspires.


With noble Ardor now they burn,
Quick to the Charge they now return;
Behold the frighted Foe retires.