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The Treasury of Musick

Containing ayres and dialogues To Sing to the theorbo-lute or basse-viol. Composed

collapse section1. 
collapse section1. 
Beauty in Eclipse.
expand section2. 
expand section3. 
expand section2. 
expand section3. 


Beauty in Eclipse.

Tell me no more her Eyes are like
To rising Suns, that wonder strike;
For if 'twere so, how could it be,
They could be thus eclips'd to me?
Tell me no more her Breasts do grow
Like rising Hills of melting Snow;
For if 'twere so, how could they lye
So near the Sun-shine of her eye?
Tell me no more the restless Spheares
Compar'd to her voyce, fright our ears;
For if 'twere so, how then could death
Dwell with such discord in her breath?
No, say her Eyes Portenders are
Of ruine, or some blazing starre,
Else would I feel from that fair fire
Some heat to cherish my desire.
Say that her Breasts, though cold as Snow,
Are hard as Marble, when I wooe;
Else they would soften and relent
With sighs inflamed, from me sent.
Say that although like to the Moon.
She heavenly fair, yet chang'd as soon;
Else she would constant once remain
Either to pity or disdain.
That so by one of them I might
Be kept alive, or murther'd quite;
For 'tis no less cruell there to kill,
Where life doth but increase the ill.