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Bion. Moschvs. Kisses, by Secundus. Cvpid crvcified, by Ausonius. Venvs vigils, Incerto Authore [by Thomas Stanley]

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[Kisses a hundred, hundred fold]

Kisses a hundred, hundred fold,
A hundred by a thousand told,
Thousands by thousands numbred o're,
As many thousand thousand more
As are the Drops the Seas comprize,
As are the Stars that paint the Skies,


To this soft Cheek, this speaking Ey,
This swelling Lip will I apply.
But whilst on these my Kisses dwell
Close as the Cockle clasps her shell,
This swelling Lip I cannot spy,
This softer Cheek, this speaking Eye:
Nor those sweet Smiles, which (like the Ray
Of Cynthius driving Clouds away)
From my swoln Eyes dispel all Tears,
From my sad Heart all jealous Fears.
Alass! what Discontents arise
Betwixt my æmulous Lips and Eyes!
Can I with patience brook that Jove
Should be a Partner in my Love,
When my strict Eye the Rivalship
Disdains to suffer of my Lip?