University of Virginia Library

The .lxxix. Psalme.

Into thyne heritage (O God) the Heathen are entred:
The palayce of thyne holye place, Lorde they haue defyled.
They haue also brought thy citie, holye Hierusalem:
Into an hudge and moste rude heape, as it hath pleased them.
Wyth thy seruantes deade bodies they haue fed the foules that flye:
And the beastes of the earth wyth fleshe of men that lyued godly.
They shed theyr bloude, lyke as water about Hierusalem:
And ther is none remaynynge that myght take and burie them.
Our neighbours haue reuiled vs as men that are forlorne:

And they that dwell rownde about vs, haue laughed vs to scorne.
Howe longe (O Lorde) how longe I saye? wilt thou be wrath for aye?
Shall thyne enuie burne lyke fyer, whose heate doeth not decaye?
Pour out thy wrath on the heathen that do not the confesse:
And on the kyngdomes that do not call on the in distresse.
For they haue deuoured Iacob, and eaten hym vp quite:
And haue destroyed all his dwellyng howses in dispyte.
Remember not our former synnes, but forgeue vs quickly:
For we are weakened (good Lorde) and that excedyngly.
O the God of our health helpe vs, for the prayse of thy name:
Deliuer vs, and take mercie on our synnes, for the same.
Why should the Heathen saye, where is theyr God whom they do prayse?
Reuenge the bloude of thy seruantes on thē (Lorde) in our dayes.
Let the gronynges of the captyue ascend vp in thy syght:
And them that be iudged to dye, kepe on lyue by thy myght.

O Lorde requite oure neyghbours wyth seuen tymes the open shame:
That they haue gone about to laye vpon thyne holy name.
So we that be thy people and the flocke of thy pasture:
Shall setforth & declare thy prayse, whylse the world shall endure.