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A Stanzaic Life of Christ

Compiled from Higden's Polychronicon and the Legenda Aurea

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Tercio Christus voluit se subdere legi vt purificacionis tipice terminaret.

The thridde cause may wele be this,
that he wold bow hym mekely
to Moyses lawe no thing amysse,
As I schal saye apertyly.
for he thoght for to make an ende
of purificacioun vset so,
to lyknesse therfore he wold bende
To bothe, þat come betwen hom two.
for be-twene two lawes i-wysse
Crist come bothe to fulfulle,
the alder to do, no thing amysse,
The new to norische was his wille.
but this vsage, leue ȝe me,
of purificacioun
most nedeling thenne endet be,
as I schal preue ow by resoun.
for as thesternesse goes awaye
whenne þat light be-gynnes to spring,
so thing in likenesse done þat day
when þat Crist come made an endyng.


ffor purificacioun fulle werray
come when Crist light in oure kynde,
thenne figuratif most passe awaye
and skilfully be putte behynde.
ffor he purifiet vs on right
wit werray fait at his comyng,
and heuy hertes made hom light
that long hauden bien in mislikyng.