University of Virginia Library



That Light, that Sight, that Thought,
Which in my Soul at first He wrought,
Is sure the only Act to which I may
Assent this day:
The Mirror of an endless Life;
The Shadow of a Virgin-Wife;
A Spiritual Creätion within;
An Universe enclos'd in Skin:
My Power exerted, or my perfect Being,
If not Enjoying, yet an Act of Seeing:
My Bliss
Consists in this;
My Duty too
In this I view.
It is a Fountain, or a Spring
Refreshing me in evry thing;
From whence those living Streams I do derive,
By which my thirsty Soul is kept alive.
The Center and the Sphere
Of my Delights are here:
It is my David's Tower
Where all my Armor lies,
The Fountain of my Power,
My Bliss, my Sacrifice;
A little Spark
That shining in the dark
Makes and encorages my Soul to rise.
The Root of Hope, the Golden Chain;
Whose End is, as the Poets feign,
Fasten'd to the very Throne
It is a Stone
On which I sit;


An endless Benefit,
That, being made my Regal Throne,
Doth prov
An Oracle of His Eternal Lov.