University of Virginia Library



Greate God, within whose symple essence wee
Nothyng but that which ys thy selfe can fynde,
When on thy self thou dydd'st reflect thy mynde,
Thy thought was God, which tooke the forme of thee;
And when this God, thus borne, thou lov'st, and hee
Lov'd thee agayne, with passion of lyke kynde,
(As lovers' syghes, which meete become one wynde),
Both breath'd one spryght of æquall Deitye.
Æternall Father, whence theis twoe doe come,
And wil'st the tytle of my Father have,
An heavenly knowledge in my minde engrave,
That yt thy Sonne's true Image may become;
And sente my hart with syghes of holy Love,
That yt the temple of the Spright may prove.