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[Our Muses, not exiled, with Sober Feet]


Our Muses, not exiled, with Sober Feet,
Draw forth Sad numbers, to a heavie Straine;
And entertaine
Some Sparke of hope, they may renew the heat,
Of Rapture yet.
Though frequent Sorrowes from Iust Causes spring;


Some little Ayre raises my numméd wing;
And Nature, not yet old in Years,
Would Stop the torrent of my fears,
To strike the Liricke String.


The thick Ayre hangs in Fogs about my head,
And many Thoughts make my Sad Heart as Dull;
My brest is full
Of mists and Clouds; my Fancie cannot Spread,
Her features, to the Life, I did intend:
When I begin, it dyes, and makes an End;
In broken grones, abruptly closing,
A Thousand of her beauties loosing;
Beauties which none can lend.


Come, yet a little; let our Thoughts forgett
Theire torture; and some pettie Solace find.
If a sad Mind
Can but a little calme her Sorrowes, let
The Muses' heat
Breath gentle Rapture, interposing Fears,
And Sing our deep Cares, vnto patient Ears;
Who wounded, will not scorne our End,
Well-leveil'd; though (ill Shott) it bend
In a Distracted verse.