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The Countesse of Mountgomeries Urania

Written by the right honorable the Lady Mary Wroath

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Come darkest Night, becomming sorrow best,
Light leaue thy light, fit for a lightsome soule:
Darknesse doth truely sute with me opprest,
Whom absence power doth from mirth controule.
The very trees with hanging heads condole
Sweet Summers parting, and of leaues distrest,
In dying colours make a grief-full role;
So much (alas) to sorrow are they prest.


Thus of dead leaues, her farewell carpets made,
Their fall, their branches, all their mournings proue,
With leauelesse naked bodies, whose hues vade
From hopefull greene to wither in their loue.
If trees, and leaues for absence mourners be,
No maruell that I grieue, who like want see.