University of Virginia Library

76 To the Earle of Essex, of one enuious of Ariosto translated.

My Noble Lord, some men haue thought me proud
Because my Furioso is so spred,
And that your Lordship hath it seene and read,
And haue my veine, and paine therein alowd.
No sure, I say, and long time since haue vowd,

My fancies shall not with such baits be fed,
Nor am I fram'd so light in foote or head,
That I should daunce at sound of praises crow'd:
Yes I'le confesse this pleas'd me when I heard it,
How one that euer carpes at others writings,
Yet seldome any showes of his enditings:
With much adoe gaue vp this hungry verdit,
'Twas well he said, but 'twas but a translation.
Is 't not a Ramme that buts of such a fashion?