University of Virginia Library

—“Why, Shylock, although, As you very well know,
I am what they call ‘warm,’—pay my way as I go,
And, as to myself, neither borrow nor lend,
I can break through a rule to oblige an old friend;
And that's the case now—Lord Bassanio would raise
Some three thousand ducats—well,—knowing your ways,
And that nought's to be got from you, say what one will,
Unless you've a couple of names to the bill,
Why, for once, I'll put mine to it, Yea, seal and sign to it—
Now, then, old Sinner, let's hear what you'll say
As to ‘doing’ a bill at three months from to-day?
Three thousand gold ducats, mind—all in good bags
Of hard money—no sealing-wax, slippers, or rags?”