University of Virginia Library


[Psal. 150.]

Sing lett us sing great praises to the lord
praise god almichtie sanctified I say
laude him in his. [OMITTED] uith one accorde
extoll his uondr [OMITTED]
praise him uith ror [OMITTED]
uith noyce of uioles sound [OMITTED]
siklyke uith holy harpes th [OMITTED]
uith timpanes loude & fifres do [OMITTED]
uith uatry quhissiles schill ext [OMITTED]
& diuers soundit organes strange [OMITTED]
uith sounding cymbales instrume [OMITTED]
& chilping sisteris lett the same [OMITTED]
my soule mott magnifie thy [OMITTED]
praise praise the lorde oure god [OMITTED]