University of Virginia Library



A rainbow descends, softly winging,
Through tears and through tempests, its way;
And Hope, like the ark-dove, is springing
To welcome the coming of May!
Her young smile will lighten through Heaven,
Her blushes our bowers will illume,
And the cloud by that beam will be riven,
And the rose drink that blush till it bloom.
But not for the sun-burst on high,
And not for the rose-tinting ray,
But for something far holier, I
Will bless the sweet coming of May.
She will steal into shadowed recesses,
Where the timid young violet lies,
Till it wake to her playful caresses,
And wink 'neath her dazzling blue eyes.


She will laugh by the beautiful river,
By the fountain, the lake, and the brook,
Till freer and brighter than ever
They flow in the light of her look.
She will whisper within the green woods,
Till the birds catch her tones, and rejoice;
And the holy and far solitudes
Shall echo her musical voice.
But not for all warblers that fly,
And not for the free waters' play,
Nor the violet's soft azure eye,
Will I welcome the coming of May.
There's a smile, that is truer and sweeter,
There are eyes, as deep blue as her own,
There's a step—a loved step—that is fleeter,
There's a dearer and tenderer tone!—
They—they will come with her,—and lo!
From the depth of my heart's winter-gloom,
Like flowers 'neath the sky's sunny glow,
Bright feelings will spring into bloom.


A rainbow descends, softly winging,
Through tears and through tempests, its way;
And Hope, like the ark-dove, is springing
To welcome the coming of May!