University of Virginia Library


Into the coal-box,
Lotty one day,
Hid from her brother
Charley, at play.
Down came the box-lid
With a great slam,
Lotty was fastened
Tight as a clam.
Cook in the kitchen,
Heard a shrill cry,
Rushed to the door-yard,
Naught did she spy.
Soon from the coal-box
Came a faint moan,
“Please do not leave me
Die here alone.”


She up with the box-lid,
Lotty was there,
Covered with coal dust,
Cheeks, eyes and hair!
Cook never scolded,
Good soul was she!
Washed her and dressed her,
Neat as could be.
She ran to her mother,
Told her the tale,
“Thought I was Jonah,
Fast in a whale.
“Felt like a piggy,
Shut in a pen,
Thought I would never
Hide there again.
“Looked like one, mother,
Dirty and mean,
Now I am Lotty,
Ever so clean!”