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Note.—No B course in Latin will be offered for less than 5 students.

Latin sA1-I: Sallust: First Term. 8:30; C. H. 102. Credit, 1 session-hour.

Mrs. Meade.

Latin A, B, C, and D, of the entrance requirements, prerequisite. Grammar
and prose composition. Sallust, Jugurthine War and Conspiracy of Catiline.
Ancient history down to Rome.

Text-books: Gildersleeve-Lodge: Latin Grammar and Latin Composition. Butler:
Sallust's Jugurtha and Penick: Catiline. Westermann: Story of the Ancient Nations.

Latin sA1-II: Virgil VII-XII: First Term. 9:30; C. H. 102. Credit,
1 session-hour.

Mrs. Meade.

Latin A, B, C, and D, of the entrance requirements, prerequisite. Grammar
and Prose Composition. Virgil, Aeneid VII-XII, and Ovid, Metamorphoses.
History of Rome.

Text-books: Gildersleeve-Lodge: Latin Grammar and Latin Composition. Knapp: Virgil-Ovid.
Westermann: Story of the Ancient Nations.

Latin sA1-III: Cicero: Second Term. 11:30; C. H. 102. Credit, 1 session-hour.

Mrs. Meade.

Latin A, B, C, and D, of the entrance requirements, prerequisite. Grammar
and Prose Composition. Cicero, De Senectute and De Amicitia. Private Life of
the Romans.

Text-books: Gildersleeve-Lodge: Latin Grammar and Latin Composition. Bowen: De
Senectute and De Amicitia.
Johnston: Private Life of the Romans.

Latin sB1-I: Livy-Tacitus: First Term. 8:30; C. H. 101. Credit, 1

Mr. Montgomery.

Latin A1 prerequisite. Grammar and prose composition. Livy, Book I and
Tacitus, Agricola. The religion of the Romans.


Page 74

Text-books: Gildersleeve-Lodge: Latin Grammar and Nutting: Advanced Latin Composition.
Greenough: Livy I and Gudeman: Agricola. Fowler: Religious Experience of
the Roman People.

Latin sB1-II: The Elegiac Poets: First Term. 11:30; C. H. 102. Credit,
1 session-hour.

Mrs. Meade.

Latin sB1-III: Cicero and Quintilian: Second term. 9:30; C. H. 102.
Credit, 1 session-hour.

Mr. Thompson.

Latin A1 prerequisite. Grammar and prose composition. Cicero, Brutus;
Quintilian, Training of the Orator.

Text-books: Gildersleeve-Lodge: Latin Grammar and Latin Composition. Peterson:
Quintilian, Training of the Orator. Kellogg: Cicero, Brutus. Bullfinch: The Age of Fable.

Latin sB2-II: Catullus and Horace: Second Term. 8:30; C. H. 101.
Credit, 1 session-hour.

Mrs. Meade.

Latin A1 prerequisite. Grammar and prose composition. Horace, Odes III-IV;
Catullus, 1-63.

Text-books: Gildersleeve-Lodge: Latin Grammar. Merrill: Catullus. Horace: Odes,
Books 3 and 4.

Latin sC1-I: Persius and Juvenal: First Term. 10:30; C. H. 101. Fee

Mr. Montgomery.

Latin B1 and B2 prerequisite.

Latin sC1-II: Selections from Seneca, Petronius, and Pliny: Second
Term. 9:30; C. H. 101. Fee $5.00.

Mrs. Meade.

Latin B1 and B2 prerequisite.

Latin sC2-II: Plautus and Terence: Second Term. 10:30; C. H. 101.
Fee $5.00.

Mr. Thompson.

Latin B1 and B2 prerequisite.

Latin sC2-III: Selections from Medieval Latin: First Term. 11:30;
C. H. 101. Fee $5.00.

Mr. Montgomery.

Latin B1 and B2 prerequisite.

For courses in High School Latin, see "College Entrance and High School Courses,"
page 94.