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All the workes of Iohn Taylor the Water-Poet

Being Sixty and three in Number. Collected into one Volume by the Author [i.e. John Taylor]: With sundry new Additions, corrected, reuised, and newly Imprinted

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Great Captaine Ioshua, great in faith and courage,
Through greatest dangers valiantly doth forrage.
He passeth Jordane with his mighty host,
And to the Tribes diuideth Coast from Coast.
The harlot (Rahab) doth preserue the Spyes,
She knowes the Lord that reignes aboue the skyes.
They all passe Jordan. which is parted dry,
Whilst they securely march inuasiuely.
The feare of Cananites doth much increase,
Jerichoes tane, and Manna here doth cease.
Vile Achan closely steales the cursed prey,
And Jsraels beaten from the Wals of Ai,
Fiue Kings are hang'd, and Phebus standeth still,
At Iosuah's prayer, whilst he his Foes did kill.
Iust one and thirty mighty Kings were slaine,
Ere Jsrael could in peace the Land attaine.
Which being done, the bloudy warres doe cease,
Their faithfull Captaine (Joshuah) dyes in peece.