University of Virginia Library




The Irish who fought for Charles I., and whose estates were confiscated on that account, looked in vain, with a few exceptions, for their restoration on the accession of Charles II. The widow of one of these Royalists, Lord Roche, in her old age used to be seen begging in the streets of Cork.


Drop an alms on shrunken fingers,’ faintly with a smile she said;
But the smile was not of pleasure, and unroselike was the red:
‘Fasts wear thin the pride fantastic;—one I left at home lacks bread.’


Lady! hard is the beginning—so they say—of shameless sinning:
Ah but, loss disguised in winning, easier grows it day by day,
May thy shamefaced, sinless pleading to the unhearing or the unheeding
Lacerate less an inly bleeding bosom ere those locks grow grey;
Locks whose midnight once was lighted with the diamond's changeful ray!


Silks worn bare with work's abusing; cheek made wan with hailstorm's bruising;
Eye its splendour slowly losing; state less stately in decay;


Chanting ballad or old ditty year by year she roam'd the city:
Love at first is kin to pity; pity to contempt, men say;
Wonder lessen'd, reverence slacken'd, as the raven locks grew grey.


What is that makes sadness sadder? What is that makes madness madder?
Shame, a sharper-venomed adder, gnaws when looks once kind betray!
‘She is poor: the poor are common! 'Twas a countess: 'tis a woman;
Looks she has at times scarce human: England! there should be her stay:
'Twas for Charles the old lord battled—Charles and England—so men say.’


Charles! Whitehall! the wine, the revel! No, she sinks not to that level!
Mime or pander; king or devil; she will die on Ireland's shore!
Ne'er, till Portsmouth's brazen forehead grows with virtuous blushes florid
Will she pass that gate abhorrèd, climb that staircase, tread that floor;
Let that forehead wear the diamond which Lord Roche's widow wore!



Critic guest through Ireland wending, careless praise with cavil blending,
Wonder not, in old man bending, or in beggar boys at play,
Wonder not at aspect regal, princely front or eye of eagle:
Common these where baying beagle, or the wirehair'd wolf-hound grey
Chased old nobles once through woodlands which the ignoble made their prey.
Centuries three that sport renewed they—thrice a century—so men say.