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HYMN XI. John xiv. 21, 22, 23.

O happy state of grace
In which by faith we stand!
Who Jesu's word obeys,
And keeps His kind command,
Communion closer still shall know,
And dwell with God in Him, below.
The man whose heart approves
The precepts of his Lord,
The path of duty loves
And practises the word,
To Jesus and His Father dear
Shall entertain the Godhead here.
Not to those earliest days
The promise was confined,
The Spirit of His grace
Extends to all mankind,
And all who love the Lord, receive
The Lord within their hearts to live.
O Son of God, to Thee
We make our bold appeal;
Wouldst Thou the Deity
To all the world reveal?
Thou, Lord, the faithful Witness art;
Return the answer in our heart.
Come quickly from above
And bring the Father down,
Infuse the perfect love,
Make all the Godhead known;


Come, Father, Son, and Spirit, come,
And seal us Thine eternal home.