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The Complete Poems of Christina Rossetti

A variorum edition: Edited, with textual notes and introductions, by R. W. Crump

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She sat upon a mountain,
And gazed upon the sea;
Beside her crouched a stag-hound,
A boy stood at her knee.
She fixed upon the ocean
An agonizèd stare—
The ship is fast receding—
Her husband off they bear.
“Oh, robbers! take some pity
Upon my helpless state:
Restore him to my fond arms!
Leave me not desolate!”
They heed not her entreaties,
They list not to her prayer;
The ship is fast receding—
Her husband off they bear.


“Oh Captain! take these jewels
That grace my hair of jet;
And ne'er in my devotion
To bless thee I'll forget.”
Then sudden cried the pirate,
“Lady, your prayers are vain;
When as my bride I sought you,
You heeded not my pain.
“Now for the grief I suffered
I'll compensated be”—
He said; and hurled her husband
Into the raging sea.
Upon her snow-white bosom
Sank down that Lady's head;—
“I join thee, dearest Arthur”—
Fair Rosalind is dead.