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The Works of Peter Pindar [i.e. John Wolcot]

... With a Copious Index. To which is prefixed Some Account of his Life. In Four Volumes

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Corinna talks loud in her airs!
‘I will have what I've fix'd my delight on—
A fig for some people! who cares?
Nothing less than the Duchess of Brighton!
‘Ye dames all so pure and so chaste,
Who have blink'd me, I'll handsomely swinge!
Of the cup of Contempt ye shall taste,
Or I ne'er knew the sweets of revenge!
‘With envy your pride shall be kill'd—
To my circles ye shall not be beckon'd;
With princes my rooms shall be fill'd;
And my name shall be Ninon the Second.
I know who dar'd squint at my routs!
I know who ne'er ask'd me to theirs,
Who turn'd up their impudent snouts;
For their honour, Lord! fill'd with such fears!
I've a catalogue fair of nice dames—
A pretty black list of each chit:
And if Vengeance, dear Vengeance, have flames,
The torch shall be speedily lit!
‘Too long have I acted the dove:
I will soon play the part of the viper;
I will rant like the mistress of Jove!
I shall dance, and the --- pay the piper.’
The lady is clever and pleasant;
Much a fav'rite, of yore, with the men;
Nice picking about her—a pheasant!
Now tasteless and tough—an old hen!


Though the Loves are all fled, the young elves,
With the actions of youth she will bore us
Time always stands still with ourselves!
We think the world grows old before us!
Toad-eaters rush in like a tide,
To their int'rest most lovingly steady;
And to tickle the trout of her pride,
She's be-grac'd and be-duchess'd already!
Is she beautiful? so much the better:
By this magic thy business is done;
One half of a word, or a letter,
Is enough—'tis the sine quânon.
O Beauty, how form'd to beguile!
Thy charm will for ever endure;
Lo, the loftiest, seduc'd by thy smile,
Descend, like the hawk, to the lure!
Thy pride, I suppose, may be hurt
But the world is a dev'lish queer stick.
Dost thou wish for the smiles of a court?
Make love to a petticoat, Nic.