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HYMN IX. John xiv. 16, 17.

Father, glorify Thy Son,
Answer His prevailing prayer,
Send that Intercessor down,
Send that other Comforter


Whom believingly we claim,
Whom we ask in Jesu's name.
Him the world cannot receive,
Him they neither see nor know,
Blind in unbelief they live,
All His inward work below,
All His inspirations deem
Foolish as a madman's dream.
But we know by faith and feel
Him the Spirit of truth and grace,
With us He vouchsafes to dwell,
With us, when unseen, He stays;
All our help and good we own
Freely flows from Him alone.
Yet, alas, we cannot rest
Help'd with an external guide,
Till the transitory Guest
Enter, and in us abide:
Give Him, Lord, Thy Spirit give,
In us constantly to live.
Wilt Thou not the promise seal,
True and gracious as Thou art,
Send the Comforter to dwell
Every moment in our heart?
Yes, Thou must the grace bestow,
Jesus said, It shall be so!