University of Virginia Library

Long for his Return.


O 'twas a mournful parting day!
‘Farewell, my spouse,’ he said;
(How tedious, Lord, is thy delay!
How long my love hath stay'd!)


Farewell; at once he left the ground,
And climb'd his Father's sky:
Lord, I would tempt thy chariot down,
Or leap to thee on high.


Round the creation wild I rove,
And search the globe in vain;
There's nothing here that's worth my love
Till thou return again.


My passions fly to seek their King,
And send their groans abroad,
They beat the air with heavy wing,
And mourn an absent God:


With inward pain my heart-strings sound,
My soul dissolves away;
Dear Sov'reign, whirl the seasons round,
And bring the promis'd day.