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The Works of the Reverend and Learned Isaac Watts, D. D.

Containing, besides his Sermons, and Essays on miscellaneous subjects, several additional pieces, Selected from his Manuscripts by the Rev. Dr. Jennings, and the Rev. Dr. Doddridge, in 1753: to which are prefixed, memoirs of the life of the author, compiled by the Rev. George Burder. In six volumes

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Ascending to him in Heaven.


'Tis pure delight, without alloy,
Jesus, to hear thy name,
My spirit leaps with inward joy,
I feel the sacred flame.


My passions hold a pleasing reign,
While love inspires my breast,
Love, the divinest of the train,
The sov'reign of the rest.


This is the grace must live and sing,
When faith and fear shall cease,
Must sound from ev'ry joyful string
Thro' the sweet groves of bliss.


Let life immortal seize my clay;
Let love refine my blood;
Her flames can bear my soul away,
Can bring me near my God.


Swift I ascend the heav'nly place,
And hasten to my home,
I leap to meet thy kind embrace,
I come, O Lord, I come.


Sink down, ye separating hills,
Let guilt and death remove,
'Tis love that drives my chariot wheels,
And death must yield to love.