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On the Duke of Marlborough.



How, Glorious Marlbro', shall we sing thy Praise?
How shall we match thy Laurels with our Bays?
What Muse can stretch her Wing o'er Blenheim's Plain,
Ramillia's Field, and all the Grand Campaign?
Success alone the Privilege can claim,
Of keeping pace with Thee, in this swift Race of Fame.


Shou'd all the mighty Nine their Pow'rs unite,
'Twou'd strain their Pinions to attempt this Flight;
And first they must some humbler Trophy sing,
Poictiers and Cressy, and a Captive King;


Thence by Degrees to Marlbro's Triumphs rise,
The Pitch of English Worth, and Glory's noblest Prize.


O cou'dst thou but impart thy generous Fire;
Cou'dst thou as warmly as thou fight'st inspire:
Then British Bards, swell'd with Ecstatick Rage,
Shou'd make our Times outvy th'Augustan Age:
Ev'n Maro's Muse as far excel'd shou'd be,
As Tyber is by Thames, or Rome's best Sons by thee.