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All the workes of Iohn Taylor the Water-Poet

Being Sixty and three in Number. Collected into one Volume by the Author [i.e. John Taylor]: With sundry new Additions, corrected, reuised, and newly Imprinted

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Most mightie Soveraigne, to your hands J giue
The summe of that, which makes Us euer liue:
J humbly craue acceptance at your hand,
And rest your Servant ever to Command,
Iohn Taylor.

To the Reader

Thou that this little Booke dost take in hand,
Before thou iudge, bee sure to vnderstand:
And as thy kindnesse thou extend'st to mee,
At any time Ile doe as much for thee.
Thine, Iohn Taylor.


Iehouah heere of nothing, all things makes,
And man before all things his God forsakes.
Yet by th'Almighties mercy 'twas decreed,
Heau'ns Heire should satisfie for mans misdeed.
Mans age is long, and all are great, not good,
And all (saue eight) are drowned in the Flood.
Old Noah, second Sire to worst and best,
Of Cham the curst, Iaphet and Sem the blest.
Of Abrahams starre-like numberlesse encrease,
Of of springs of springs, and his rest in peace.
Of Jsraels going into Ægypt, and
Of their abode and liuing in that Land.
Of Iosephs brethren, faithlesse, and vnkind,
Of his firme Faith, and euer constant mind.
He pardons them that did his death deuise,
He sees his Childrens children, and he dyes.


Th'increase of Iacobs stocke is growne past number,
And feare of them, the Ægyptian King doth cumber.
Who giuing credit to the Inchanters tales,
Commands to kill all Infant Hebrew Males.
But Moses is preserued in the Riuer,
To be a Captaine Israel to deliuer.
Sterne Pharaohs cruell Adamantine heart
Will not permit Gods people to depart.
Ten plagues frō heau'n are on th'Ægyptians powr'd
Bloud, frogs, lice, flyes, beasts, scabs, haile, thundring showr'd.
Grashoppers, darknesse, death of first borne men,
Those were the Ægyptian plagues in number ten.
The Isra'lites are freed, and Pharaohs Host,
In chasing them, are in the red Sea lost.
A cloud doth shrowd them from the burning day,
By night a fierie Piller leades the way.
The murmuring people fearing famine, railes.
God raines down Manna from the Heauen & quailes,
The Law is writ in stone (to Moses giuen)
By Gods owne hand, to guide men vnto Heauen,
The Ceremoniall Sacrifice is taught,
As types of whom our blest redemption's wrought.



Heere man is shew'd, it is the Almighties will,
To guard the good, and to correct the ill.
The truest Seruice of the highest stands,
In no mans fancie, but as he commands.
And cause men are so apt from Grace to swerue,
He shewes them here, their Maker how to serue.
The Leuites are appointed by the Lord
To preach vnto his chosen flocke the word.


Old Jacobs blessed off spring numbred are,
Their valiant Captaines and their men of Warre.
Curst Koræh with his kinsman desp'rate Dathan,
And bold Abiram (three sworne Sonnes of Sathan)
Rebell 'gainst Moses, with their tongues vnhallowed,
And by the earth by heau'ns just Vengeance swallowed.
The Israelites to fell confusion brings,
Great Og and Sihon misbeleeuing Kings.
Where Balaam thought to curse of force he blest.
And by his Asse was told how he transgrest.
Fiue Midian Monarchs, Judaes Host doth slay,
And all their spoyle diuided as a pray.
The Land of Canaan, measur'd is, and found,
That in it all things plenteous doe abound.


This Booke againe the Law of God repeats,
With blessings, cursings, teachings, and with threats.
Meeke Moses dyes, lyes in an vnknowne toome,
And Nuns Son (Iosuah) doth supply his roome,


Great Captaine Ioshua, great in faith and courage,
Through greatest dangers valiantly doth forrage.
He passeth Jordane with his mighty host,
And to the Tribes diuideth Coast from Coast.
The harlot (Rahab) doth preserue the Spyes,
She knowes the Lord that reignes aboue the skyes.
They all passe Jordan. which is parted dry,
Whilst they securely march inuasiuely.
The feare of Cananites doth much increase,
Jerichoes tane, and Manna here doth cease.
Vile Achan closely steales the cursed prey,
And Jsraels beaten from the Wals of Ai,
Fiue Kings are hang'd, and Phebus standeth still,
At Iosuah's prayer, whilst he his Foes did kill.
Iust one and thirty mighty Kings were slaine,
Ere Jsrael could in peace the Land attaine.
Which being done, the bloudy warres doe cease,
Their faithfull Captaine (Joshuah) dyes in peece.


Juda is Captaine, Anaks Sonnes are flaine,
The Cananites as vassals doe remaine.
The Israelites rebell and serue strange Gods,
And are all plagu'd with heau'ns correcting rods.
The men of Midia, Isra'l much did greeue,
Stoue Gideon comes their sorrowes to releeue.
And as Gods Spirit doth his Seruant moue,
He ouerthrowes Baals Altar and his Groue.
A womans hand King Iabins Hoste doth quaile,
And kild his Captaine Sis'ra with a naile.
Abimelch (by wrong) the kingdome gaines,
A woman dasht out his ambitious braines.
Victorious Iphtah, rashly sweares (not good)
And ends his conquest in his Daughters blood.
Great Sampson's borne, whoseuer matchlesse strength
Orethrowes the Philistims in bredth and length.
Faire flattering Dalilah, her Lord deceiues,
He's tane himselfe, himselfe of life bereaues.
The Beniamites abus'd a Leuites wife,
For which all but sixe hundred lost their life.


(According to the flesh) this woman Ruth,
Was ancient Grandame to th'eternall Truth.
And though she from the Moabites doth come,
It shewes th'Almighty in all Lands hath some.

1. Samuel.

The Prophet Samuel's borne and Elies Sonnes
To sinne and flat confusion headlong runnes.
The Isralites are by the Lord forsaken,
And by the Philistins the Arke is taken.
The figur'd presence of this all in All,
Doth make the Diuels inuention Dagon fall.
God takes his people to his loue againe,
The Ark's brought backe, the Philistines are slaine.
The Sonnes of Samuel wrong their Fathers trust,
By partiall Iudgements and with bribes vniust.
Saul seeking straying Asses, findes a Crowne,
And is annointed King in Raman towne.
The fell Philistians Jsr'el doth oppresse,
King Saul doth proudly gainst the Lord transgresse,
God dids kill Agag, Saul will haue him spar'd,
His will more than his Gods, he doth regard.
Goliah armed leades an hoste from Gath,
Defies the Lord of Hosts, prouokes his wrath.
Yong Dauid comes, and in his hand a sling,
And with a stone the Gyant downe doth ding.
Old Ishays Sonne before the Kings preferr'd,
And Dauid hath Sauls Daughter for reward.
Th'ingratefull King, seekes Dauids causlesse death,
True hearted Jonathan preserues his breath.
Saul leaues his God, and to a Witch doth goe,
And so himselfe, himselfe doth ouerthrow.
The Philistines his childrens bloud doe spill,
And with his Sword King Saul, King Saul did kill;


Saul leaues his God, and to a Witch doth goe,
And so himselfe, himselfe doth ouerthrow.
The Philistines his childrens bloud did spill,
And with his Sword King Saul King Saul did kill.

2. Samuel.

King Dauids royall heart is fild with woe,
For Ionathan and Saul, his friend, and foe,
In Regall state he liues and flourisheth,
And loues Sauls Grandchild lame Mephibosheth.
Affection blinds him on Uriahs wife,
T'accomplish which, her husband lost his life.
The King's reprou'd by Nathan, and repents.
And by repenting, heau'ns high wrath preuents.
Incestuous Amnon, Absolon doth kill,
For forcing Tamar gainst her Virgin will.
He's reconcil'd vnto his louing Sire,
And proudly to the Kingdome doth aspire.
The old King flees, and ouer Jordane hies,
The Sonne pursuing, and the Father flyes,
Achitophel himselfe hangs in dispaire,
And Absolon dyes hanged by the haire,
The King for his rebellious Sonne doth mourne,
His people numbred are at his returne,
The Lord is wrath, the pestilence increast,
That seuenty thousand dye, and then it ceast.

1. Kings.

The Kingly Prophet (valiant Dæuid dyes,)
His throne is left to Salomon the wise,
False Adoniah, Ioab, Shimei kild,
By his command, as erst his Father wild.
With speed he sends for workmen from farre Coasts,
To build a Temple to the Lord of Hosts,
Before or after him was neuer such,
That had of wisedome or of wealth so much.
A thousand women, some wed, some vnwed,
This wise King to Idolatry misled.
He dyes and's buried by his fathers toome,
And Rehoboam doth succeed his roome.
Now Jsrael from Judah is diuided,
Both Kingdomes by bad Kings are badly guided,
Yet God to Iacobs seed doth promise keepe,
And raises faithfull Pastors for his sheepe,

2 Kings.

Eliah worketh wonders with his word,
By inspiration of the liuing Lord:
He's taken vp aliue, and his blest Spirit,
Doth doubly in Elishaes breast inherit.
Some Kings doe gouerne well, most gouerne ill,
And what the good reformes, the bad doth spill.
Till Isr'el, Iudah, King and Kingdome's lost,
To great Nebuchadnezzar and his host.

1. Chronicles.

Here euery Tribe is numbred to their names,
To their memorials, and immortall fames,
And Dauids acts t'instruct misguided men,
Are briefly here recorded all agen.

2. Chronicles.

The state of Israel, Judah, and their Kings,
This Booke againe, againe Recordance brings.
Their plagues of plague, of famine, slauery, sword,
For their contemning heau'ns All sauing word,

Manassehs Prayer.

Manasseh almost drown'd in black despaire.
Gaines mercy by repentance and by prayer.


The Persian Monarch (Cyrus) granteth leaue,
The Jewes once more their freedome should receiue.
When at Ierusalem they make abode,
They all with zeale repaire the house of God.
Malicious men (with poysnous malice fild)
Makes Artaxerxes hinder those that build.
Yet God so workes, that Israels loue and zeale,
Resumes againe their ancient Church and weale.


The booke of Ezra doth concord with this,
Commanding good, forbidding what's amisse.
And godly Nehemiah here reform'd,
What sinne and Sathan had long time deform'd.


Here he that dwels in heauen doth deride,
Queene Vshy's and ambitious Hamans pride,
The Iewes are sau'd by Esters suite from death,
And Haman and his Sons, hang'd, loose their breath.
Poore Mordecay is held in high account,
And to great greatnesse humbly he doth mount.
Thus God doth raise all those his Lawes doe seeke,
He layes the lofty low, exalts the meeke.


No losse of Sonnes and Daughters, goods and all,
Make not this man into impatience fall,
Assailing Sathan tempting wife, false friends,
With perfect patience he all woes defends,
I naked came (quoth he) into this world,
And naked hence againe I shall be hurld.
God giues and takes according to his word,
And blessed euer bee the liuing Lord.


The blessed Kingly Prophet sweetly sings,
Eternall praises to the King of Kings.
Gods Power, Iustice, Mercy, Fauour, looke
For they are comprehended in this Booke.


The wisest man that euer man begot,
In heauenly Prouerbs, shewes what's good what's not.


Health, strength, wit, valour, wordly wisdome, pelfe,
All's nought, and worse then vanity it selfe.


Salomons song.

This Song may well be call'd, the Song of Songs,
It to the heauenly Bride, and Groome belongs.
It truely shewes Christs loue vnto his loue,
His Church, his Wife, his Virgin Spouse, his Doue.


This worthy Prophet truely doth foretell,
How Christ shall come to conquer death and hell,
Rewards vnto the godly he repeats,
And to the godlesse he denounceth threats.


This Man of God long time before foreshoes,
Ierusalems Captiuity and woes.


He wishes here, his head a fountaine deepe,
That he might weepe, weepe, nothing else but weep.
That he might gush forth flowing streames of teares
For Iudah's thraldome, misery, and feares.


In Babylon this Prophet Captiue is,
And there he prophesies of bale and blisse.
How all must come to passe the Lord hath said,
How Iudgement surely comes, although delayd.


The Kings darke dreame, the Prophet doth expound,
For which, he's highly honour'd and renown'd.
Nabuchadnezzar doth an Image frame,
Commands all paine of death t'adore the same.
Three godly Iewes by no meanes will fall downe,
And for contempt are in the fornace throwne.
Where, midst the flames vnhurt they sweetly sing,
Which wonder doth conuert the tyrant King.
Here Daniel Prophesies of Christ to come,
Of Babel, Persia, Græcia, and Rome.


He tels misgouern'd Israel their sinnes,
And how the losse of grace, destruction winnes.


This Prophet tels the stubborne-hearted Iewes,
How heau'ns consuming wrath apace ensues.
He therefore doth perswade them to contrition,
And by contrition they shall haue remission.


Mans thanklesse heart, and Gods vnmeasur'd loue,
This Prophet doth to Isr'els faces proue.


He comforts Judah (ouer-prest with woes,)
And prophesies destruction of their foes.


Here Jonah tels the Niniuites, except
Repentance wrath of Heauen doe intercept:
In forty dayes, high, low, rich, poore, great, small,
The Lords hot fury shall consume them all.
With hearts vnfaign'd, the sinfull Citie mournes,
The Lord grants mercy, Ionah backe returnes.


He speakes of Isr'els and of Juda's crimes,
And tels them their confusion comes betimes.


The Niniuites againe forsake the Lord,
And are subdu'd by the Assirian sword.
This Prophet comforts those that are opprest,
And tels the godly, they shall be releast.


He doth bewaile th'oppression of the poore,
For mercy, humbly he doth God implore.
To keepe the Captiu'd Iewes from fell despaire,
He teaches them a heauenly forme of Prayer.


He fils the good with hope, the bad with feare,
And tels the Iewes their thraldome draweth neere.


He exhorteth them to patience in their paine,
And bids them build the Temple once againe.


He tels the Iewes why they haue plagued beene,
He bids them shunne Idolatry, and sinne.


For sinne he doth reproue both Prince and Priest,
And shewes the comming both of John and Christ.
Which Christ shall be a Sauiour vnto all,
That with true faith obey his heauenly call.


These bookes doe all in generall intimate
The State of good men, and the reprobate.
In many places they doe seeme to vary,
And beare a sence from Scripture quite contrary.
In Tobit and Dame Iudith disagrees,
From Text, and Razes in the Machabees.
For which the Church hath euer held it fit,
To place them by themselues, from holy writ.