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The Fall of the Leaf

And Other Poems. By Charles Bucke ... Fourth Edition

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Oh thou! who hither com'st from far,
From peaceful vales, or fields of war;
From Wolga's fiercely rolling tide;
Or Arar's banks, whose tranquil side
With thyme and moss is cover'd o'er;
Here rest, and try the world no more!
Here, where flowers of various hue,
In modest pride, attract thy view;
Where rills from mountain heights descend
In gurgling streams, and wildly bend
Their murmuring course adown the vale
Where peace and blooming health prevail;
And where the birds their notes prolong,
Charming the woods with warbling song.
Oh! pilgrim! fly from every earthly woe,
And taste those raptures, which these scenes bestow.
Fly from the world,—beset with passions rude,—
And fix thy home in peaceful solitude.