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Remember thy Creator in the days of thy youth, before the years draw nigh of which thou shalt say: They please me not: Before the sun, and the light, and the moon, and the stars be darkened, and the clouds return after the rain. ECCLESIASTES.

Wise-unto-hell Ecclesiast,
Who siev'dst life to the gritted last!
This thy sting, thy darkness, Mage—
Cloud upon sun, upon youth age?
Now is come a darker thing,
And is come a colder sting,
Unto us, who find the womb
Opes on the courtyard of the tomb;
Now in this fuliginous
City of flesh our sires for us
Darkly built, the sun at prime
Is hidden, and betwixt the time
Of day and night is variance none,
Who know not altern moon and sun;


Whose deposed heaven through dungeon-bars
Looks down blinded of its stars.
Yea, in the days of youth, God wot,
Now we say: They please me not.